Good ideas for the "Ratszeise" can be tried out and implemented in Jena's "good parlour" from spring. The "StadtLab Jena" project of the Jena Economic Development Agency (JenaWirtschaft) is opening a second location in the Ratszeise building on the market square. The landlord, Kommunale Immobilien Jena (KIJ), handed over the keys today. This expansion is supported and co-financed by the Department of Urban Development and Environment. StadtLab Jena is a project funded by the Federal Ministry of Construction and aims to develop creative concepts for the city centre. Various remodelling works are currently underway; the second location is due to open in March. Ideas can then be tested at both locations - on the market square and at Löbderstraße 6.
"We invite companies, private individuals, people with a small business or associations to join us," said Markus Henkenmeier, authorised signatory of the business development department and idea generator of the StadtLab project. "Just like in Löbderstraße 6, we want to offer a space at the market where new ideas and concepts for the city centre can be tested and where a place of encounter and togetherness can be created." For example, temporary pop-up spaces, exhibitions, club workshops, urban crafts and much more are possible.
"We are delighted that we can enable a space that is close to the hearts of many Jena residents to be used in a way that is equally accessible to everyone and where creative ideas can be tested and shaped," says Mayor Christian Gerlitz. He is hoping for a new, imaginative place that invites people into the city centre again and again through a variety of uses.
KIJ site manager Beate Wachenbrunner, who handed over the key to the StadtLab team as the landlord, hopes for a similar effect: "With its location directly on the market, the Ratszeise has great potential to enrich Jena's city centre with a variety of concepts, and we are looking forward to life moving back in here in 2025."
Work is currently underway in and around the building. StadtLab project manager Grit Sachse has the planning under control. "In close coordination with the Jena Monument Office, the Ratszeise is being given a new 'look' inside - it is being painted, water and electrical connections are being installed and we are working on ways to make the building usable for a wide variety of concepts without damaging the listed façade or components worthy of preservation."
The construction work should be completed by the end of February; the StadtLab team is then looking forward to creative ideas from March. Further information can be found on the website